وَمَاۤ اَرۡسَلۡنٰكَ اِلَّا رَحۡمَةً لِّـلۡعٰلَمِيۡنَ﴾﴿
“And we have not sent you, [O Muhammad], but as a mercy to the worlds”
(Quran, 21:107).
Name: Muhammad
Some titles and epithets:
_ Amin (the genuine, trustworthy)
_ Rasoul Allah (the messenger of Allah)
_ Al Mustafa (the appointed prophet of Allah whose intercession shall be granted)
_ Habib Allah (the beloved of Allah)
_ Nimat Allah (the divine favour)
_ Rahmatul lil Alameen (the merciful and compassionate to the universe)
_ Khatam ul Nabiyeen (seal of the prophets, the final prophet)
_ Khayr ul Bashar (the best of mankind)
Father’s name: Abdullah
Mother’s name: Aminah
Born: Mecca, 570 CE
Passed away: 632 CE
Resting place: Medina

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was born in the polytheistic society of the Arabian Peninsula, but he and his family abstained from idolatry and engaging in the ugly behaviors common in the community.
As the founder of Islam he was a religious, social, and political leader and according to Islamic doctrine, he was the last prophet, sent to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.
The revelation of Quran is considered to be his greatest miracle; as a testimony of his prophethood, and a miracle for all times, unlike the miracles of other prophets, which were confined to being witnessed in their own lifetimes.

He came into the world when the world was too thirsty to see justice. He was born in a land where no one knew what mercy is. Thousands or even tens of thousands of female infants were being murdered every year due to social stigma. Women were being treated like animals and often second-class human beings. Tribes were fighting constantly to the point that killing each other became their national sport.
Historical sources have narrated the events took place at the time of his birth which have become known as “warnings”. Some of those are as follows: the shaking of the Arch of Ctesiphon and the fall of its 14 battlements, the extinguishing of the fire in the fire temple of Persia after a thousand years, the drying up of Saveh Lake, and also the strange dreams of the priests and the Sassanid king.
Therefore the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the beginning of all the blessings that Allah, the Exalted has bestowed on humanity. He is a complete version of all the virtues of prophets and God’s saints.

Referring to “Nahjol Balaghah” Prophet Mohammad is defined in the view of Imam Ali (a.s), the first Imam of Shia Muslims as follows:
“Prophet Mohammad’s birth was a blessing to the whole universe. His characteristics were known to the people of the world through the books of the previous prophets. At a time when people of the earth were divided in different religions, their aims were separate, and ways of thoughts were diverse, In such situation that some of them resembled Allah to His creatures or put Allah’s names on their idols or even some appealed to idols instead of Allah, Allah guided mankind through Muhammad (pbuh) and saved people from being misled. Allah saved people from the darkness of ignorance through Prophet Mohammad’s existence and guidance”.