
We are not the only ones

The beginning of Islamic month of Zilqada marks the birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Masooma (as). Lady Fatima Masuma (as), most commonly known as Masooma…
30 May 2023


22 May 2023

Eight chapters from the life of the Lady Fatima Masuma s.a

To watch, click on the following links:
4 May 2023

Birth Clips of Lady Fatima Masuma

To watch, click on the following links:
1 May 2023

The Presence of Bolivian Ambassador in the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma

Romina Guadalupe Pérez Ramos, the ambassador of Bolivia to Iran, visited the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A.S).
30 April 2023

The Minister of Culture of Niger visits the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma

Mohammad Hamid – the Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Crafts of Niger – who was a guest of the International Exhibition of the Holy Quran,…
19 April 2023

The Presence of Vatican Ambassador in the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma

Andrezej Jozwowicz, the archbishop and ambassador of Vatican in Iran, along with his entourage , visited the Holy Shrine of Lady Fatima Masuma (A.S).
19 April 2023